Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Your Success Wealth 12 Step Program!

To Build Your Business You MUST Have Great Resources, Content, and Products! If You Are Promoting Affiliate Programs, Reseller ProductsYou Must Have These Essential Items In Order To Succeed!

Laurie Brandt
Subject: Do YOU Have What YOU NEED?

Hi, my name is Laurie Brandt. I have been around doing everything from Web Design, Hosting, Affiliate programs, Marketing programs, reading tons of books since 1999 and I am seeing the whys we all question and addressing them. You see all of these Marketing programs springing up everywhere like banks and for the owner of the program it is a BANK! It makes them rich if they are good, well known and did this right!

Will our buying all these Marketing programs make us Rich? We already know the answer to thatof course not! Will some Marketing programs help you make money, YES! But not give you the Bank. No one, not even me will tell you all their treasured secrets, I will admit I will tell you most cause I am like you and want to succeed. Plus I am NOT Greedy, nor are all Marketers, some are really cool! But some are about self and filling up their Bank and taking our money.

How do we succeed? I Have investigated a few programs that I believe in and in time think they will prevail the amounts of money I desireRome was not built in a Day and in all honesty these Marketing programs took a lot of cash to put together, along with trial and error, to get it to work for them.

If I were rich I would give 1000 people or more a FREE top notch program for FREE! I am not so thats not going to happen today. But what can we do today to get our foot in the Bank Door? Some of these Programs run well into the thousands, some charge a monthly fee (more my speed), some will give you payment optionsbut still that BIG question looms, can we afford it? For most of us we cantso what do we do? And these are the Good Guy Marketers I am referring too.

Well I attended a Teleseminar Call the other night and got some real useful info, was it free, no, nothing out here is free. Whoever said they made X amount without spending a dime, is a Liar! (Unless when the Net Opened up Commercially over 10 years ago, they might have and I even question that too.)

But a few basics I want to share that will help start putting some money in your pocketswe all MUST start somewhere. I am a member of a Marketing program (and an Excellent One, Made an excellent commission check and only joined a month ago) that I believe in time will put a good amount of money in my pocket, and in time maybe the knowledge to create my own Marketing program and have my own Bank. What can we do in the meantime?

Use Affiliate Programs, Be Careful Which ones you Choose. It is an excellent place to begin and I have made money using them and will gladly pass them onto you at the end of this report.

Read Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill and Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosaki, you can find them in Google and Think and Grow Rich can found Free. I will also add that to the end of this Report. Rich Dad, Poor Dad I have not been able to locate for free but Amazon has Used copies that are like fairly cheap. Ill Get Some Pricing Ideas for you!

Pick out a Handful Of Affiliate Marketing Programs (Investigate, Read forums) to Create Multiple Streams of Income! I have put together a list that I know to be trustworthy and will make you money (see bottom of Report). Please keep in mind at all times, no action results in no actionmeaning if you do not Promote and work the Program you will gain absolutely nothing. All these pay a fee and make a Fortune is a Rip-off, the only person making a Fortune is the one you gave your money too. And again, if you do pay for a good program and do NOTHING, you get just that, NOTHING!

Build an Opt-List (Not Easy) but a Must to have, use a Landing/Capture page with your Autoresponder on it. I have some ideas you can use but remember this is not an easy task...people will actually say NO to good useful information. You have to try different things, get known and become Trustworthy. I will give you some Bonus materials to use in your efforts to build your Opt-in list and then you must be patient and study the ways of others that will share what worked for them. CREATE A Page similar to this and promote it on the Net once you have gotten a good feel of what you need to do and have seen solid results from your efforts. Never lie, just destroys your credibility and then NO ONE will want your Products, programs, etc.

Use a few Good Safelist (Again Investigate, Free ones will NOT get much attention) Promote your programs through them. Build a Solid Downline, this is a form of Opt in list also. I will give you a list of some that I have good results to fair results withbut still remember to investigate and look for some that may work for you. I do not have every answer; if I did I would be RICH by now!

Join some Networking Programs and share with others and learn, soak up all the good info you can get your hands on. I have a few that are very good and responsiveone that makes me good money! I WILL DISCLOSE A LIST OF WHAT HAS WORKED FOR ME AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE!

Then if you want to try your hand at Marketing, get a Product you believe in and promote it along with your Affiliate Programs! I have a few ideas for you here too and will give you this infoare the products free? Some, the good ones are not free, I sell them cheaper than anyone else and will also give you Free Memberships to some Great sites that also have great resources that you can make money with. You are under no obligation to buy anything from me. These are just what has worked for me

Then Promote, promote, and promote! Attend Teleseminars, live ones when you can so you can ask questions, not everyone gives you that opportunity but most do. Grab some Offline text books on Marketing, Affiliate marketing, you can get tons of Great Books at Amazon that says used but I have purchased many and they look new to me when I get them.

Read Materials on Copywritingif you hate to write there are software programs that will do it for you or you can go to elance.com or some other agency and get a lot of stuff done cheap. Shop around. I am going to give you a just about everything you need to get started. But Rule #1: You MUST Promote, You must do your part, or nothing happens! Rule #2: see Rule #1! This is serious. This whole thing is serious, and if you are serious and dedicated, determined, nothing will get in your way.

The links I provide, please usethey are useful, beneficial and of GREAT value. I am giving you 2 free Memberships, which 1 is worth $26 monthly. There is even free hosting there, E-Books, Software, sooo many resources. So please do not take this lightly, I want you to succeed and am giving this to you for FREE! There is probably at least a grand in the free stuff and resources.

Teamwork and the POWER OF KNOWLEDGE AND NUMBERS! It works and its worth it, getting my 1st commission check from that program I just joined a month ago was too coolthey pay and any program I ever offer doesI will never at anytime offer you junk!

If you sit still and do nothing, nothing will happen, thats a PROMISE! I actually know Affiliate Marketers that make over 100k Yearly! Money can be made many ways on the netbut keep it cleandont email people with RE: in the subject line, good way to lose trust in that person who is trying to sell you something. Be honestI know I said I would not give out all my secrets, well I just didI am not making 6 figures, I am disabled and some days I just cant do anythingbut I keep it honest and clean and will gladly refund money to an unhappy customer.

My list is still small but responsive, I believe in giving away good stuff that will help and benefit. I have 10 out of 10 at a networking program I use, but I still have a long ways to go. The keyDO NOT GIVE UP! You will hit slumps but it always gets better. During these slumps or slow periods take that time and read, learn, listen to CDs, Audio/Video files that pertain to the subject matter. Never waste time, your goal is to become Automated but never Isolatedmake sure your members can always contact you. Your Autoresponder can do a lot but it cant answer every question customers, members, potential customers may need answers or help with, so please make yourself available.

Try and test different thingsI myself still have not found my Niche of choice but believe I will in the next few monthsyou will too. Just always, keep it clean, honest, and never be cheap. Your list will hang around longer if you treat them good, dont email them to death and if you give gifts, give beneficial ones, they will appreciate you for that.

Share with them your experiences; ask them to share theirs on your Blog, Site, or Forum. I want us all to succeed and if I find the key, I promise to share. If anyone would like to reach me my contact info is under my signature. Thanks for your time and I hope I was able to help someone today!

In the Future We Will Explore eBayPros and Cons. But for today we will keep it simple and work at the 12 steps of Your Success Wealth! It can be reached!

Please utilize the links belowmany FREE Resources, Hosting, Just about everything you need. Most is FREE a few things have a price, buy gain you are under NO obligation to purchase anything unless you want too. If The Resource Links Have Been Removed From This VersionPlease Refer To My Blog At http://digitaldiscounts10.blogspot.com

Best Wishes,
Laurie Brandt
http://www.ISO910.com/yoursuccesswealth.html (Your Success Wealth Capture Page)
http://www.ultimatelicense.com/splash3.php?rid=pawsnall64 (4 Free Sites, $26 Monthly Value, Free Hosting included and other cool bonuses)
http://www.isoregister.com/promote/?ref=pawsnall64 ( Great Resource That Will Help You Grow )
http://www.jobdiscover.com/jd/marketforce/index.html (Post or find people cheap to help with writing, or sell your talents here to others that could use your services)
http://community.adlandpro.com/go/tcsca1/?ref=tcsca1 (#1 Business Community, Join Free, Great Money Maker, High Income potential)
http://www.directmatches.com/pawsnall64 (#2 Business Community, Good Money Maker, High Income potential)
http://www.surefirewealth.com/rep/marketforce/mem.html (Great Income, Resources, E-Books, Software and Free!)
http://www.xy7.com ( Good Money Maker)
http://www.elance.com (Need work done, cheap, similar to jobdiscover.com but not as good)
http://ddesigner.secretaff.hop.clickbank.net (Excellent Affiliate training package, only $9.95, priceless info, 3 great bonuses)
http://www.letsallworkathome.com/Total-Resale/751/index.htm (Excellent reseller, and every tool you need, plus you get a free 1 year Silver membership to SureFirewealth.com, I have made tons of money with this package and used many of the tools to build my business)
http://www.ultimatelicense.com/rep/pawsnall64/ga.html ( Have Resellers rights to U4, helps build your Opt- in list)
http://www.thesecondtier.com/marketforce/thesecondtier (Great resources and marketing site)
http://community.adlandpro.com/registerUser.aspx?ref=tcsca1 (Still #1 Biz Site)
http://freeaddepot.com/?aff=4273 (Great for promotions)
http://www.mymarketingtactics.com/makemoney/5lessons.pdf (Excellent reading)
http://www.websiteservices.com/advertising/adrates.pdf (Free Magazine for marketing)
http://www.digitaldiscounts10.com (Many Resources and FREE Pro Marketing magazines)
http://website.ws/pawsnall/show (Get Your Site, everything you need plus make money with it, Top notch, Your Success Wealths new home will be here)
http://www.digitaldiscounts10.com/Suggest/35PrivateLabelHeaderGraphics/index.html (Another great income opportunity, made a good bit of cash on this one too, PLUS all the software to easily make your own sale pages)
http://thetoolman.net/Recommends/1000Links/ (Lots of Free stuff, Great resources)
http://www.profityesterday.com/pawsnall64 (NewHas It All Free To Join Marketing)
http://www.milliondollarbookshelf.com/books/tagr/index.php (Think and Grow Rich FREE Download)

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Can Be Purchased At Amazon.com For About $4 (Go To www.digitaldiscounts10.com and get it at our Amazon Store and Get a Free $200.00 Gift Card from us for SureFireWealth.com)

You will find many more resources within these. Within these links you have everything you need to start, run, maintain and automate any business you desire. This is a great Group of Info products, resources and more! My goal is to help you anyway I can and show you where to get what you when you need it. Remember Rule #1 at all times!

Rome was NOT Built In a Day! Determination and YOU MUST NOT GIVE UP! All good things take time and these are some of the BEST Resources you will ever encounter, what you do with them is your call. You know what you want and what you need. Every solution is in these 12 steps and resource links to your every problem you face. Take this and run with itPromote and win. Utilize and make the very best you that you can be. You have the power, you can win online and you will!

To View The Resources For This Report Please Go To http://digitaldiscounts10.blogspot.com Scroll To Bottom Of Article And Resource Links Are Available!

To Your Online Success,
Laurie Brandt
Your Success Wealth

Copyright © 2006 Digital Discounts 10

Laurie Brandt is a Woman of Todays Writing. Many Women Writers that precede her are an Inspiration to her and influence much of her work. She hopes to one day to have what they have...Talent, Respect, and will stop at Nothing to get it! Very determined and straightforward in her writings. She wants the TRUTH to be told. She enjoys helping others and will never have a "Help Desk" and will always answer her own email.Allianora Blog31680
Audra Blog50618


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